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Christu Raj Hostel

St Thomas College Palai Educational Trust

Enquiries: Click Here

Admission Process & Guidelines 

  1. Get permanent admission to St Thomas College Palai Autonomous.

  2. Fill in the google form following. The link will be enabled once the first allotment list is out.

  3. Gmail account is mandatory for all applicants. Check your mail regularly.

  4. Read the hostel guidelines found in Annexure I. Please ignore the directions given in the guidelines regarding the                   admission process. The updated version of the guidelines will be published in due course with inputs from                               UGC/Government.             

  5. If provisionally admitted, you will be notified by email.

  6.  After receiving the above mentioned email, the candidate has to pay the Registration Fee as per Annexure II (Rs.2000)            and the Caution Deposit (Rs.5000 for General and Rs.2500 for SC,ST&OEC).The Caution Deposit will be refunded at            the end of the academic year. Since only online payments are allowed, candidates must have personal bank accounts.

  7.  You will be allotted a room (2 persons) when regular classes begin. In any case, you have to send us an email                          detailing your travel plans.

  8.  The admission procedure is carried out on a yearly basis and so a student has to renew his hostel admission every year.

Hostel Guidelines

Fee Structure

Application Form

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